Analysis of Validity and Reliability Test of Self Efficacy Instrument in Learning Wave Material Physics at SMA Kota Padang

Riri Ayudia(1*), Desnita Desnita(2)

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang
(2) Universitas Negeri Pdang
(*) Corresponding Author


Self efficacy is the result of a person's cognitive processes that produce decisions. A person's beliefs or expectations regarding their ability to complete a task or action necessary to achieve a desired outcome. This research aims to create an instrument that can measure student self efficacy by measuring the level of validity and reliability and this instrument was tested by expert lecturers and tried out in schools. The student self efficacy instrument in learning wave material physics was processed using the SPSS application. This research uses quantitative methods. This research was conducted at SMA 7 Padang City with a total sample of 122 students in this study. The results obtained were that on the instruments tested by expert lecturers, all aspects of the research obtained an overall percentage score of 91%. The self efficacy instrument used contains 5 indicators with a total of 30 statement items. With responses based on a Likert scale score of 1 to 4. Furthermore, the results of this research found that from the 30 statement items, 17 statements were valid. Meanwhile, the reliability calculation obtained was (? = 0.758).



Validity, Reliability, Self efficacy

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