Project-Based Interactive Colloidal E-Module in Chemistry Learning to Improve Student's Science Process Skills and Understanding Concepts

Aiza Alya(1*), Kusumawati Dwiningsih(2)

(1) State University of Surabaya
(2) State University of Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


The goal of this research is to create project-based interactive e-modules based on feasible colloidal material. Thiagarajan's 4D device development model (Four-D Model) is used in this study. This research is divided into three stages: defining, designing, and developing. This study investigates the feasibility of interactive e-modules in terms of 1) validity, which includes the quality of content and constructs, 2) practicality, which includes the results of student responses and is supported by data from observations of student activities, and 3) effectiveness, which is measured by student learning outcomes in aspects of conceptual understanding and scientific process skills. The study's findings are as follows: 1) the interactive e-module is stated to be valid in terms of validation results of 86.42% with very valid criteria; 2) the practicality of the interactive e-module as seen from the student response questionnaire obtained a value of 96.87% with the very category practical and student activity observation sheets as supporting data obtained a value of 97.5% in the very practical category; and 3) The average N-Gain score on the conceptual understanding test obtained a value of 0.73 with high criteria, and on the science process skill test obtained a score of 0.82 with high criteria, and classical completeness on both tests was 86.67% respectively, indicating that interactive e-modules based on project-based learning on colloidal material are suitable for learning.


Interactive E-module, Colloidal, Project Based Learning, Understanding Concept, Science Process Skills

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