Pengaruh Kemampuan Berpikir Kritik dan Konsep Diri terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPA

Deni Nasir Ahmad(1*)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The aim of the research is to determine the direct effect of the ability to critical
thinking the learning achievement of natural science. Knowing the direct influence of the self concept-learners to learning achievement of Natural Sciences. Knowing directly influence the ability to critical thinking of the self concept-learners. Knowing the indirect effect of the ability to critical thinking of the learning achievement of Natural Sciences through the concept of self-learners. The method used is a survey. Samples were obtained through the Multi Stage Random totaling 88 students from junior high schools throughout the subdistrict Sukmajaya is to SMPN 3 Depok and SMPN 4 Depok. Data collection was conducted by administering questionnaires and by conducting tests of learning achievement. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient double, determination coefficient and regression analysis. The statistical test used was t-test and F-test. The experiment was conducted on 6th May 2013 to 7 May 2013. The results showed the effect of the ability to critical thinking and self-concept of students towards science learning outcomes in Junior High School eighth grade se-kecamatan Sukmajaya Depok, that is 1) The ability to critical thinking of the learning achievement of Natural Sciences are indirectly influence significant is tcount < ttable or 1,539 < 2,000, 2) The concept of self-learners to learning achievement are indirect effect is significant, is tcount < ttable or 1,414 < 2,000, 3 ) The ability to critical hinking of the concept of self-learners there is a significant direct effect is tcount > ttable or 2.522 > 2.000, 4) The ability to critical thinking of the learning achievement of Natural Sciences through self concept there is a significant indirect effect is tcount < ttable or 0.383 < 2.000. 

Keywords: thinking Criticism, Self Concept, Science Learning Achievement.


thinking Criticism, Self Concept, Science Learning Achievement

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