Pengaruh Gaya Belajar dan Sikap Siswa pada Pelajaran Matematika Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematika

Abdul Karim(1*)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The general objective of this research is to find and analyze empirically about
the critical thinking skills of students towards mathematics courses in terms of students' learning styles and attitudes. Research carried out by the method exposes affordable facto population Junior High School eighth grade students Sukmajaya Depok District of the academic year 2013/2014 as much as 320 students. Large sample of 78 students, with Samling technique used simple random sampling. The results of hypothesis testing is concluded as follows: (1) critical thinking skills of mathematics students who have a kinesthetic learning style (?B3 = 68.69) was higher than the average of critical thinking skills of students who have a visual learning style (?B1 = 62.38) and auditory (?B2 =
67.08). (2) critical thinking skills of students who have a positive attitude in math (?A1 = 68.62) was higher than the mean of the critical thinking skills of students who have a negative attitude on the math (?A2 = 63.49). (3) There is no interaction between students' learning styles and attitudes in mathematics on the ability to think critically. Students as individuals have all three learning styles are mutually supportive even though there is a tendency in one type, therefore, students are expected to combine all three learning styles
so that the impact will improve critical thinking skills.


Learning style, attitude Students, Critical Thinking Math.

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