Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar Kelas 1

Dwi Setia Ningrum(1*), Leonard Leonard(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aimed to make the development of an effective instructional
design for Elementary School student’s class 1 to facilitate the development of
mathematics learning process based on expert assessment, the achievement of problem-solving abilities, and the student’s response. The development Procedure is adapted from instructional development models M. Atwi Suparman including the step definition, analysis and development of a prototype system, and conducting formative evaluation. The yielded products included of book learning model, student activity sheets, and student test results. This product has several times revised based on suggestions and feedback from lecturers, validators, and limited testing. The results showed that (1) the quality of the Mathematics learning materials Grade 1 of Elementary School based on expert assessment is fair; (2) the students response to the learning material products classified as very positive. After using Math instructional design is expected to facilitate either students or teacher of elementary school in Mathematics Learnig Grade 1.


Learning design, mathematic learning, elementary school class 1

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