Pengaruh Keterampilan Proses Sains, Penalaran, dan Pemecahan Masalah terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika
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This causal research is aimed at obtaining information related to the effect of
science process skills, reasoning, and problem solving on physics learning outcomes. The research had been held in SMAN 28 South of Jakarta. In this research, 100 samples were selected randomly, and data were collected through survey, test, and documentation. The data has been analyzed by path analysis after all variables put into the correlation matrix and use of structural equations to calculate path coefficient. The finding of the research shows that student’s physics learning outcomes is affected positively direct by science process skills, reasoning, and problem solving. Based on those findings, it could be concluded that increasing of student’s physics learning outcomes might be affected by
science process skills, reasoning, and problem solving. Therefore, the results of this research will be implicate on the learning method, and arrangement of physics learning outcomes test, which measure science process skills, reasoning and problem solving ability. Teacher use appropriate learning method with notice student cognitive development, for better achievement physics learning outcomes. However, other variables are necessary to be taken in to account by next physics learning outcomes research.
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