Noviana Dewi(1*), Fiqih Ismawan(2)

(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Face recognition system is generally divided into two stages, face detection system, which is a pre-processing step followed by a facial recognition system. This step will quickly be done by humans but it takes a long time for the computer. This ability of humans is what researchers want to duplicate in the last few years as biometric technology in computer vision to create a model of face recognition in computer. Deep learning becomes a spotlight in developing machine learning, the reason because deep learning has reached an extraordinary result in computer vision. Based on that, the author came up with an idea to create a face recognition system by implementing deep learning using the CNN method and applying library open face. The result of this research is applying deep learning with the CNN method to classification process that resulting percentage of precision of 96%, recall percentage of 100%, and accuracy percentage of 99.8%.

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