Pengaruh Penyinaran Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kacang Hijau

made gita somianingsih(1*)

(1) Universitas Pamulang
(*) Corresponding Author


Research has been done with the title the effect of irradiation electromagnetic wave on the growth of green beans. This research has been done by taking data in the form of the height of green beans stems. The method used in this study is direct observation of the growth of green beans stems. The irradiation of the growth of green beans stems is divided into three types, with sunlight, mobile flashlight, and without irradiation. The results of the study showed that the growth of green beans stems irradiated by mobile flashlights was higher than the growth of green beans stems irradiated by sunlight. However, the green beans stems irradiated by the mobile flashlight are paler and easily shaky compared with the green beans that are irradiated by sunlight which looks fresher and sturdier. On the other hand, green beans that are not given irradiated, only grow a little buds and do not grow.

Keywords: Vigna radiata, electromagnetic wave, sunlight, and mobile phone flashlight

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