Penggunaan Query Optimization Pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Untuk Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Dan Pengisian Krs (Kartu Rencana Studi) Pada Universitas Matana
(1) STMIK Raharja
(*) Corresponding Author
The classic problem that is quite common and often encountered in almost all university in Indonesia is at the time of preparation of the list of subjects that are routinely done at every semester turn, either the odd semester or even semester for filling the Study Plan Card (KRS) done by every students. The constraints that caused the problem to occur were due to the limited factor of the classroom (theoretical class and lab lab), the ratio factor of the number of lecturers to the students taking the course and then the lecturer availability factor that could teach for each course offered by every course available at Matana University. Because of the factors that make the list of courses along with the schedule of the day and time becomes complicated and not easy to do, because the preparation of the optimal course schedule is to avoid the occurrence of incompatibility or clash between the schedule of 1 course with other courses, then avoid using the same room in the same day and time as the same lecturer or with different lecturers. Based on these matters, the management of University of Matana through Senate meeting decided to arrange planning for the development of Academic Information System (SIAKAD) using SQL Optimization method that can be used to assist the smoothness of lecturing process and academic and administration service activities at Matana University.
Key words:courses scheduling, KRS, SQL Optimization, Academic Information Systems
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