Penentuan mahasiswa berprestasi menggunakan algoritma FP-Growth dan SAW

Wawan Ridwan(1), Wawan Gunawan(2*)

(1) Universitas Mercu Buana
(2) Universitas Mercu Buana
(*) Corresponding Author


This research discusses the importance of utilizing technology in inventory management and student achievement determination. The transformation from manual systems to computerized systems has proven to increase efficiency and accuracy. In determining outstanding students, the criteria used often focus solely on academic aspects, neglecting other skills such as leadership and creativity. This study proposes the use of the FP-Growth and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) algorithms to address this issue. FP-Growth is used to identify high-frequency patterns in student achievement data, while SAW assigns weights to each criterion variable for more accurate decision-making. The criteria for assessment include GPA, student achievements, study duration, and activity participation. The implementation is expected to provide a more effective solution in determining outstanding students and managing inventory. The FP-Growth method helps identify significant patterns in transaction data, while SAW assists in ranking alternatives based on specified criteria. This research demonstrates that the combination of these two algorithms can improve accuracy and efficiency in inventory management and student achievement determination, providing a competitive advantage for institutions. Based on the research results, the ranking of outstanding students is led by student C, followed by student B, with respective scores of 0.8875 and 0.825.

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