Affan Maulana(1*), Mardiana Mardiana(2), Rio Ariesta Pradipta(3)

(1) Universitas Lampung
(2) Universitas Lampung
(3) Universitas Lampung
(*) Corresponding Author


The pervasiveness of information technology has reshaped human lifestyles, including shopping practices. Andalas Store, a prominent bookstore, has experienced a decrease in customer visits. Consequently, this research endeavours to establish an e-commerce platform for Toko Andalas utilizing Extreme Programming (XP) and the MERN Stack to broaden customer reach and expand market presence. The e-commerce platform is constructed leveraging the XP software development methodology and undergoes rigorous testing encompassing unit testing, black box testing, Lighthouse, and the System Usability Scale. The research outcomes validate the successful development and testing of the Toko Andalas e-commerce platform, highlighting its website performance in responsiveness, accessibility, adherence to best practices, and SEO optimization. The platform also encompasses comprehensive functionalities, including product search, shopping cart, and online payment. 

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