Sistem Pakar Rekomendasi Pendakian Gunung di Jawa Tengah menggunakan Algoritma Fuzzy Tsukamoto Berbasis Website

Cut Tesya Iftillah Anggun Pratiwi(1), Norhikmah Norhikmah(2*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia has a variety of unique tours both in terms of nature and history that can be used as tourist attractions for local and foreign people, with a variety of beauties that can be enjoyed. One of them is the mountainous area which presents views that can soothe and spoil the eyes in almost every area of Indonesia which has different characteristics of mountains, especially the island of Java, to be precise in the area of Central Java, has about 12 mountains which are usually used as climbing places for residents in or outside the region, in addition to helping the people's economy, climbing can also be used to protect nature and can introduce the beauty of nature in Indonesia to the international community. Therefore a system was created to recommend mountain climbing in the Central Java area based on a website using the Fuzzy Tsukamato method

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