Sifat Nilai Eigen Matriks Antiadjacency dari Graf Simetrik

Noni selvia(1*)

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Antiadjacency matrix is one of the ways to represent a directed graph . Let G be a directed graph with V(G)={v1, v2, . . ., vn} . The adjacency matrix of G is  a  matrix A=(aij)  of order n x n , with aij=1 if there is an edge from vi to vj , for i not equal j , otherwise aij  will equals 0. The matrix B= J - A is called the antiadjacency matrix of G, with J  is a matrix of order n x n   with all entries equal to 1. In this paper, it will show characteristic of eigenvalue of antiadjacency matrix of symmetric graph.


Keywords : antiadjacency matrix, a symmetric graph, characteristic of eigenvalue

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