Penerapan Fuzzy Sugeno Orde Satu dalam Prediksi Pembelian

Devi Fitrianah(1), Wawan Gunawan(2*), Anggi Puspita Sari(3)

(1) Universitas Mercu Buana
(2) Universitas Mercu Buana
(3) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
(*) Corresponding Author


Given the rapid advancement of information technology has a great influence in the fields of industry and services. This brings changes in competition between companies, so that company players must always create various techniques to survive. This study aims to assist SMEs in making purchases of the products they sell so that there is no excess stock. This research is calculated using the Fuzzy Sugeno algorithm with a system inference method that can be applied to determine the prediction of the number of purchases of goods. The prediction generated for the test data at week 30 is 60 pcs and this is less when compared to the real data, namely 70 pcs so that it can avoid overstock. Furthermore, the prediction results from the test data at week 21 to week 30 are tested to determine the error rate using the MAPE method, so that the result is 31.67%, and that means that the test is considered reasonable (reasonable).

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