Pengaruh persepsi atas kemampuan manajerial kepala sekolah dan budaya organisasi Terhadap kinerja guru

Anastasia Dewi Anggraeni(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: One of the dominant factors influencing teacher performance is principal leadership and school culture. The Aim of this research is to find out The Correlation between the teacher’s perception of managerial capabilities principal and organizational culture of school with the teacher’s performance in learning process. The researcher uses survey Method by analyzing the correlation and regression that relate the data showing school principal leadership and teacher’s motivation to the teacher’s performance. The correlation between the teacher’s perception to school principal leadership and teacher’s performance resulted the correlation coefficient of 2,278. The correlation between teacher’s motivation and teacher’s performance resulted the correlation coefficient of 2,008. The correlation between school principal leadership and teacher’s motivation  with teacher’s performance resulted the correlation coefficient of 0,858; determination coefficient of 73,67%; and the regression linier ? = 170  + 0,99 X1 + 1,3 X2. Based on this fact, there is positive and significant correlation between The Teacher’s Perception to School Principal Leadership and the teacher’s motivation teacher’s performance. Keywords: manajerial capabilities, organizational culture, performance teacher

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