Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga dan Distribusi terhadap Volume Penjualan ARB Bakery di Kelurahan Sukmajaya

Toto Widiarto(1*), Ema Hardiana(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


ARB (Original New Flavor) Bakery is a fast-growing business in the food industry
sector, especially snacks made from wheat flour. Where this business must
always be able to keep up with the changes that occur along with the
development of an increasingly advanced business world. Including finding new
techniques, as well as ways to be able to increase the sales volume which is the
company’s goal. However, on the one hand, the company has not been too
focused on the development of marketing such as market research, especially
research related to the sale of ARB bread. The purpose of this research is to
determine whether product quality, price, and distribution significantly influence
the sales volume of ARB (Original New Flavor) Bakery in Sukmajaya urban
village. This research was conducted by giving questionnaires to 20 respondents.
The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis to determine the
effect of independent variables (X) in this case is product quality, price and
distribution to the dependent variable (Y) in this case is sales volume with the
the help of SPSS version 27.00 software. Based on the results and discussion it can
be concluded that simultaneously quality of product, price, and distribution have a
positive and significant effect on the sales volume of ARB (Original New Flavor)
Bakery in Sukmajaya urban village, it is obtained by the results of testing the
the hypothesis that shows the value of f count>f table (10,175>3,246). And the test
results partially state that the variables of product quality, price, and distribution
have a positive and significant effect on the sales volume of ARB (Original New
Flavor) Bakery in Sukmajaya urban village with a value of t count>t table
(2,575>2,120). This is evidenced by the results of the f hypothesis test
simultaneously and partially of t hypothesis test in data analysis.


Quality of product; Price; Distribution; Sales Volume

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