Pengaruh Kreativitas dan Kedisiplinan Siswa terhadap Prestasi Belajar Fisika (Survei Pada Siswa SMA Negeri di Kota Tangerang)

Daryanto Daryanto(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The Effect of Creativity and Discipline on Physics Learning Achievement (Survey of students of State High Schools in Tangerang City). This study aims to find out: 1) the influence of creativity and discipline of students together on the achievement of learning physics. 2) The influence of creativity on the achievement of physics learning. 3) The influence of students' discipline on physics learning achievement. The research method used is the descriptive description method with multiple regression analysis. The population in this study were all students of State High Schools in Tangerang City and the samples taken were 84 people who were Class X IPA students. The results of the study conclude 1) There is a significant influence of students' creativity and discipline together on physics learning achievement. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values 0.012 ? 0.05 and Fcount = 4.661. 2) There is an insignificant influence of creativity on the achievement of learning physics. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values 0.297 ? 0.05 and tcount = 1.049. 3) There is a significant influence of students' discipline on physics learning achievement. This is evidenced by the acquisition of sig values 0.046 ? 0.05 and thitung = 2.023.

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