The influence of strunggle power and the ability of critical thinking simultaneously to physic problem solving at students of SMAN in Bekasi Kota
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- Abstract : The objectives of this research are follows to know : 1 The influence of strunggle power and the ability of critical thinking simultaneously to physic problem solving at students of SMAN in Bekasi Kota 2 The influence of strunggle power to the ability of physic problem solving at students of SMAN Kota Bekasi. 3 The influence of critical thinking ability to physic problem solving at students at SMAN in Kota Bekasi. The method which is used in this research is survey and carrelational tecnic. The population of this research is all student of IPA X graders at SMAN Kota Bekasi that is SMAN 9 which consisrs of 216 , X IPA students SMAN 13 Kota Bekasi which consists of 180 students of X IPA, and SMAN 21 Bekasi which consist of 216 students of X IP, so the total population is 612 students. The sample in this research is 65 students which are taken from random sampling. The tecnis of the data collecting are by using quisionaire and rubric of assessment. The tecnic of data analysis is by using of SPSS assistance 22. The research result : 1 There is the significant influence the struggle power and the ability of critical thinking simultaneously to physics problem solving at students of SMAN in Kota Bekasi.This is proven with the score 0,000 < 0,05 and F hitung = 69,622. 2 There is the significcint influence of the struggle power to physic problem solving ability of students of SMAN in Kota Bekasi. This is proven by score sig = 0,008 < 0,05 and t hitung = 2,736. 3. There is significant influence of critical thinking abilty to physics problem solving at students of SMAN in Kota Bekasi. This is proven by score sig = 0,000 < 0,05 and t hitung = 6,342.
Keywords: struggle power, the ability of critical thinking,and the ability of physics problem
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