The Influence of Learning Models and Academic Prokrastination of Natural Science Concepts

maryani maruwi(1*), Soeparlan Kasyadi(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: The aim of study are  1) the effect of the learning model on the mastery of the concepts of Natural Sciences, (2) the effect of academic procrastination on the mastery of the concepts of Natural Sciences, (3) the effect of the interaction of the learning model and the mastery of the concepts on the mastery of the concepts of Natural Sciences. The research method used is experiment. The sample size was 80 students in 7 classes in East Jakarta consisting of 40 experimental students and 40 control students, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling (judgment sampling). Data collection was carried out by providing tests of the ability to analyze Natural Sciences and the distribution of learning independence scales. Hypothesis testing with 2-way ANOVA test shows: (1) there is a significant effect of learning models on the mastery of the concept of Natural Sciences as evidenced by the Sig value of 0.044 <0.05 and Fcount of 3.064 (2) there is a significant influence of academic procrastination on the mastery of the concept of Science Natural Knowledge, evidenced by the Sig value of 0.035 <0.05 and Fcount 4.888 (3) there is a significant interactive effect on the learning model and academic procrastination on the mastery of the concept of Natural Science proven by the value of Sig 0.002 <0.05 and Fcount 9.926. Efforts to improve students' mastery of the Natural Sciences concept through the interaction of learning models and academic procrastination.


Key words : Learning Models, Academic Procrastination, Concept Mastery


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