The Effect of Adversity Quotient and Critical Thinking Ability on the Problem Solving Ability of Natural Sciences (Survey at Junior High School at South Jakarta)

Mega Atiqah Annastasya(1*), Andri Suryana(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI (Unindra)
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The purposeof the study was to obtain an overview: (1) the effect of Adversity Quotient together on the ability of IPA students in Jakarta, (2) the influence of Adversity Quotient to the ability of IPA students in Jakarta (3) the effect of ability students' critical thinking about the ability to solve science problems of state JHS students in Jakarta. The sample of the research is grade VII students of SMPN 131 Jakarta, SMPN 175 Jakarta, SMPN 253 Jakarta. Students are selected by random sampling. Data collection is done by providing assessment instruments for the ability to solve science problems and students critical thinking skills by giving 10-essay test questions. The results of the study concluded that: (1) There was a significant influence of the influence of Resilience and the ability to think critically students together on the ability to solve science problems of State Junior High School students in Jakarta, this was evidenced by the acquisition of Sig. 0.001 <0.05 and Fhit 8.419. (2) There is no significant effect of Adversity Quotient on the ability to solve the science problem of State JHS students in Jakarta, this is evidenced by the acquisition of  Sig. 0,050 = 0,05 and thit -1.995 (3) There is a significant influence of students' critical thinking skills on the ability to solve science problems of state junior high school students in Jakarta, this is evidenced by the acquisition of Sig. 0.001 <0.05 and thit 3.584.

Keywords:Adversity Quotient, Critical Thinking Ability, Natural Science Problem Solving Ability.

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