Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran dan Sikap Siswa Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematika

Eka Putriana Zulaimah(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The pupse the research is to recognize the influence of learning media and behaviour of the students to the ability to math critically think. The method of this research in quasi experiment. Sample size of 80 students consist of 40 students of the experiment class and 40 students of the control class, the sampling technique of this research is cluster sampling. The data collection was held by giving math literacy test and distribution about the interpersonal communication ability  questionnaire. Then, the validation and reliability of math literacy instrument and the interpersonal communication ability were tested by using SPSS 20 program. Afterward, the descriptive analysis and requirement test analysis were conducted by normality test by using kolmogorov-smirnov and homogeneity test by levene test by using SPSS 20 program. Afterward, hypothesis test by anova test 2 way and the advanced test by using tukey test. The result of this research proved: (1) there is a significant influence between learning media to the ability to critically think. (2) there is a significant influence between behaviour of the students to the ability to critically think. (3) there is a significant interaction influence to the ability of critically think. Key word: learning media/media of learning (pilih salah satu), behaviour of the students, the ability to math critically think.

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