The purpose of this research is to know the: (1) the direct influence of the emotional intelligence of the students against the attitude on the behavior of the Association Junior high School in Tangerang District (2) the direct influence of the biological concept mastery against the attitude on the behavior of students Junior high School in Tangerang District (3) the direct influence of the emotional intelligence of students toward mastery of the concept biology students in Junior High School in Tangerang district, (4).The indirect influence of the emotional intelligence of the students against the attitude on the behavior of the Association are free through mastery of concepts of biology students. The survey is conducted on a SMP 2 Panongan, SMP 2 Pagedangan and SMP 2 Legok, in Tangerang Regency with samples as much as 85 students. An instrument is a special test that is given to a sample of the form kuosioner emotional intelligence and attitude on the behavior of the student association. Results of the study showed there was a significant direct influence on emotional intelligence against the attitude of the students on the behavior of free association, as evidenced by the value th = 3.860 > tt = 1.980. There is a significant direct influence on mastery of concept in biology against the attitude of the students on the behavior of free association, as evidenced by the value tt = 2.088 > th = 1.980. There is a significant direct influence on emotional intelligence against the attitude of the students on the behavior of free association that is marked with the value tcount = 3.622 > ttable = 1.980. There are indirect influence is not significant emotional intelligence students against the attitude on the behavior of the Association are free through mastery of the concept of biology as evidenced by the value tcount = 0.1098 <ttable = 1.980. From the results of this study obtained the conclusion that There is a significant direct effect of emotional intelligence on attitudes on the behavior of free intercourse of SMP Negeri students in Tangerang District. There is a direct influence of significant mastery of biological concepts on attitudes on the behavior of free association of SMP Negeri students in Tangerang District. There is a significant direct effect of emotional intelligence on the mastery of the concept of biology of students of SMP Negeri in Tangerang Regency. There is no significant indirect influence of emotional intelligence on attitudes on the behavior of free association through mastery of the concept of biology of students of SMP in Tangerang District. Keywords: emotional intelligence, mastery of the concepts of Biology, behavior, Socialization Influences
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