Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Dan Sikap Sosial Siswa Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis ( Eksperimen Pada Siswa Smp Negeri Kecamatan Ciracas Jakarta Timur )

Wahnil Mardiah(1*)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to analyze and test the correctness of the hypothesis regarding the influence of learning models and social attitudes towards students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. The research hypotheses tested include: 1) The Influence of Learning Models on Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. 2) Influence of Students' Social Attitudes towards Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. 3) Interactive Influence of Students' Learning Models and Social Attitudes toward Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. The research was carried out using experimental methods. The population is the eighth-grade students of State Junior High Schools in Ciracas Subdistrict, East Jakarta with a sample size of 64 students, with the sampling technique used namely cluster sampling. The research instrument used is a mathematical problem-solving ability test on the subject of a circle which includes circle elements, arc length, during area, and tangent lines of two circles as much as 5 questions, which have been tested for homogeneity with magnitude Fhitung = 1.006 and sig 0.465 > 0.05. Data analysis uses the two-track / direction analysis of variance (ANAVA). The results of testing the hypothesis obtained the following conclusions: 1) There is a significant influence of the learning model on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities as evidenced by Fhitung = 19.515 and sig 0.000 <0.05. 2) There is a significant influence of students 'social attitudes towards mathematical problem-solving ability as evidenced by Fhitung = 88.583 and sig 0.000 <0.05.3) There is a significant interactive influence on the learning model and students' social attitudes towards mathematical problem-solving abilities. This is evidenced by Fhitung = 13.345 and sig 0.001 <0.05. The results of this study are useful to improve the quality of learning and improve mathematical problem-solving skills at the junior high school level.

Keywords: Learning Model Discovery Learning and Problem Based Learning, Social Attitude, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

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