Total Productive Maintenance pada Mesin Cetak Offset Printing SM 102 ZP (Study Kasus di PT. XYZ)

Arif Rahman(1*)

(1) Teknik Industri
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak Mesin merupakan komponen utama dalam proses produksi, apabila salah satu mesin mengalami kerusakan maka proses produksi akan berpengaruh, target produksi berkurang, dana untuk perbaikan kerusakan tinggi dan pada akhirnya perusahaan mengalami kerugian. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perawatan mesin secara berkelanjutan agar kerusakan mesin dapat diminimalkan dan fasilitas produksi dapat bekerja sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan dapat mengetahui performance maintenance yang diterapkan di PT. XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep Total Productive Maintenance dalam menganalisa terjadinya break down mesin cetak offset printing SM 102 ZP. Nilai Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) semakin meningkat sejumlah 35,08 jam sehingga peningkatan keandalannya dikatakan baik sedangkan nilai Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) sebesar 2,56 jam hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan operator maintenance kurang baik. Nilai Availability mesin mengalami peningkatan sebesar 93,2%. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan training skill kepada operator maintenance, dikarenakan hasil MTTR yang didapatkan masih tidak stabil, selain itu perlu menerapkan perawatan mandiri pada setiap mesin yang di operasikan, Availability mesin perlu ditingkatkan lagi, dengan nilai availability mesin yang lebih tinggi sehingga meningkatkan produktivitas. Kata Kunci: Performance Maintenance, Mesin Offset Printing, Produktivitas. Abstract The machine is the main component in the production process, if one of the machines is damaged the production process will take effect, the production target is reduced, the funds for repairs to damage are high and in the end the company suffers a loss. Therefore it is necessary to carry out engine maintenance continuously so that engine damage can be minimized and production facilities can work as expected. This study aims to determine the performance maintenance applied at PT. XYZ. This study uses the concept of Total Productive Maintenance in analyzing the breakdown of SM 102 ZP printing offset printing machines. The value of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) increased by 35.08 hours so that the increase in reliability was said to be good while the value of Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) was 2.56 hours, indicating that the maintenance operator's capability was not good. The Availability Value of the machine has increased by 93.2%. Thus it is necessary to do training skills for maintenance operators, because the results of the MTTR obtained are still unstable, besides that it needs to implement self-maintenance on each machine that is operated, the availability of machines needs to be increased again, with higher machine availability values thereby increasing productivity. Keywords: Performance Maintenance, Offset Printing Machine, Productivity.


Industrial Engineering

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