Aplikasi Sistem Perpustakaan Terintegrasi dengan Notifikasi SMS dan Email Reminder
Mercy Hermawati(1*)
(1) Program Studi Informatika, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI (*) Corresponding Author
Both in educational organizations and other organizations, the library is one of the most important support facilities where this facility as a container or place to find information in any format that is collected into one and managed well by an organization to facilitate the information seekers to get it. With a large and diverse collection of library materials makes it difficult for officers to answer the availability of library questions and when library material will be available again. This research aims to simplify the search for library material information, simplify the process of lending library materials, provide library material availability information more quickly and effectively, providing integrated library information notification feature with sms and email reminder. Methods of data collection conducted with literature study, interviews, observation and questionnaires. System development method used is waterfall method. System quality test using four characteristics of ISO 9126 software quality that is, functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency. The results obtained are integrated library information system with SMS notification and email reminder as library information by using computer as a tool for library service optimization, so it can more quickly fulfill the borrower's need for reading material and simplify the work of library staff.
Library, Information System, Notification, SMS, Email Reminder
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