Implementasi Protokol S/MIME pada Layanan E-mail Peningkatan Jaminan Keamanan Secara Online pada Kantor PT Tammar Frasti

Nahot Frastian(1*)

(1) Program Studi Informatika, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Implementation of information system technology has been changing all aspects of human life, such as the humans way of communicationthat is initially conventional into digital way. E-mail is a service provided by information technology system as a means to exchange information digitally. Even though communicating using e-mail has many advantages,it is vulnerable to digital attackers, such as tapping. Security is the key to securing information containedin e-mail. PT. TAMMAR FRASTI is a business organization that deals with Information Technology infrastructure among private companies that exchange their daily confidential information using e-mail online. S/MIME is one of the alternative security that can be implemented in e-mail. The final result of this research is the design of S/MIME protocol implementation in e-mail service for PT. TAMMAR FRASTI applying cryptographic techniques in the form of digital signatures and / or encryption proven to meet the aspects of information security. By implementing S/MIME, information security aspects such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation expected by PT. TAMMAR FRASTI may be successfully realized.


Implementation, digital attacker, e-security, S / MIME mail, information security

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