Analisis Kualitas Produk Imprabox Menggunakan Metode Seven Tools

Rahmah Faurika(1*), Risma Fitriani(2), Dimas Nurwinata Rinaldi(3)

(1) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karaang
(2) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
(*) Corresponding Author


Product quality control is very important to pay attention to so that a company can continuously compete with other companies, increase its sales value, and get the trust of customers as its most important target. PT JP is an industrial company engaged in manufacturing with packaging products made from polypropylene/Impraboard, Cardboard Box, Polyethylene Foam, Spon Eva, and other packaging need materials. One of the products with a high sales rate is imprabox products. But, during the inspection process, there is a fairly high and diverse defect rate. Therefore, efforts are needed to minimize product defects using the basic seven tool method. This research begins with product inspection using a cheksheet in the QC (Quality Control) department. The inspection is carried out 23 times with a total of 3,256 items and 941 NG products. Furthermore, a flowchart is made to display the manufacturing process starting from marking, cutting, bending or fit up, welding, to finishing. Histogram is used to determine the variation of defects, in this case there are 12 types of defects including printing, EVA coating and NG cover. Pareto diagram is used to determine the dominant defects including in printing at 41.34%, Eva coating at 22.85% and NG cover at 11.265. Ishikawa/fishbone diagram is used to determine the causes of defects including human factors, machine factors, method factors and environmental factors. Scatter diagram is used to express the 77% relationship (correlation) between the variation in the number of defective products and the amount of production. The control diagram is used to analyze the control limits with UCL 40.9 and LCL 0.403.


Imprabox; seven tools; QC

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