EFL Reading Comprehension through Digital Storytelling in Multimodal Digital Literacy

Nur Hayati Hidayat(1*), Hanna Sundari(2), Aminudin Zuhairi(3)

(1) Universitas Terbuka
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Terbuka
(*) Corresponding Author


This current study used the multimodal digital literacy lens to examine how digital storytelling can improve reading comprehension in EFL learners. With the growing integration of text, audio, images, and interactivity in digital literacy, this study explored how these multimodal components can improve EFL learners' reading experiences. This study applied digital storytelling strategies in a digital storytelling platform, such as multimedia resources and narrative structure, to increase student engagement and comprehension. The triangulation of four instruments, i.e. in-class observation, think-aloud protocol, questionnaire, and interview, was used to be a reliable and valid study. The findings revealed that digital storytelling could be used to teach reading comprehension. Learners expressed positive opinions about learning to read and comprehend the text through multimodal digital literacy, especially digital storytelling. The results showed that digital storytelling makes greater comprehension of textual content possible. Using multimodal techniques for EFL learners could significantly improve reading comprehension results and give learners in remote areas the tools they need to navigate a digitally mediated society successfully.


EFL Reading Comprehension; Digital Storytelling; Multimodal Digital Literacy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/scope.v9i1.24799


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