Examining the Impact of Education in Entrepreneurship on Character Development among Students at University
(1) Islamic University of Riau
(2) Islamic University of Riau
(3) Islamic University of Riau
(*) Corresponding Author
This study, conducted at the Faculty of Education, Islamic University of Riau, investigates the impact of entrepreneurship education rooted in Tapak Lapan’s values on students' character development. Tapak Lapan's values—a set of local wisdom principles emphasizing faith, honesty, simplicity, hard work, teamwork, harmony, patience, discipline, gratitude, closeness to nature, and understanding—offer a unique foundation for character building. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research examines the relationship between entrepreneurship education, Tapak Lapan's principles, and the cultivation of essential character traits. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and in-depth analysis, focusing on students' exposure to entrepreneurial training and their self-perceived character growth. With a sample of 43 students, the study provides a robust basis for qualitative analysis. Findings reveal a strong correlation between Tapak Lapan-based entrepreneurship education and enhanced character traits: 67.2% of students reported developing an entrepreneurial mindset, while 32.4% formulated effective entrepreneurship plans. These results suggest that integrating Tapak Lapan’s values into entrepreneurship education can foster essential character traits, supporting students' holistic growth both personally and professionally.
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