The Effects of Blogging Using Quora on EFL Students’ Reading and Writing Skills

Fatimah Nur Hikmah(1*), Wahyu Diny Sujannah(2)

(1) Universitas Brawijaya
(2) Universitas Brawijaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Although the significance of using Quora as a blogging platform in classroom activities has been acknowledged, its use among teachers remains limited. This research aimed to examine the potential effect of using Quora to improve the reading and writing skills of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. Using a pre-experimental method, the participants included thirty vocational high school students majoring in Hospitality. The findings revealed significant improvements in students' reading and writing scores, providing empirical proof that integrating Quora into instruction could provide a practical and effective approach for teaching and improving the EFL students’ reading and writing skills. These findings highlight the significant potential of Quora as an innovative digital platform for English learning, indicating its promising role in developing language skills, especially reading and writing. Thus, it is suggested that English teachers encourage students to explore English language and literature discussions through Quora since this can enhance students' reading and writing skills by exposing them to diverse perspectives and valuable insights. Moreover, future research may explore various blogging platforms besides Quora to assist teachers in finding the most suitable platform for language learning.


Blogging; Quora; EFL; Reading skills; Writing skills

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