Beyond the Classroom: The Efforts of Teachers in Educational Enhancement

Khalif Rahma Riesty Fauzi(1*), Siti Aisyah(2)

(1) Universitas PGRI Delta Sidoarjo
(2) Universitas PGRI Delta
(*) Corresponding Author


This research at a private Islamic junior high school aimed to explore the impact of teachers' efforts beyond the classroom on student learning and overall educational enhancement. A qualitative research using observations and a Google Form questionnaire was employed to gather insights from teachers about their initiatives, including professional development, collaboration, outdoor and experiential learning, student engagement and support, project-based learning, cultural and international understanding, character education, continuous improvement and innovation, community and environmental engagement, and technological integration. The research addressed a gap in understanding the holistic effects of teachers' extracurricular efforts on students. Key findings substantially positively impacted student motivation, vocabulary, critical thinking, confidence, and overall well-being. The effectiveness percentages highlighted the success of specific initiatives, with the Intercultural Understanding Program ranking highest at 31.59%. The results indicated alignment with various educational theories, emphasizing the need for a multifaceted and dynamic approach to education. The positive sentiment among teachers underscored their collective belief in the significant contribution of these efforts to overall educational improvement. Implications suggest the importance of continuous professional development, collaborative learning communities, and holistic approaches in shaping a positive and engaging educational environment.


Teacher efforts; Educational Enhancement; Beyond the classroom.

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