Using Telegram-Assisted Picture-Cued Storytelling to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skills

Yuliati Ningrat(1*), Hanna Sundari(2), Fazri Nur Yusuf(3)

(1) Universitas Terbuka
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRi
(3) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The ubiquity of mobile device technology and the appearance of new applications like Telegram give EFL students more options to enhance their speaking skills in their learning. This research employed explanatory sequential mixed methods to investigate the effects and students’ responses toward the use of Telegram-assisted picture-cued storytelling in speaking class. The data were gained from pretest and posttest of 35 students in the experimental group and 35 students in the control group chosen purposively. The tests were analyzed by utilizing inferential statistics and t-tests. The questionnaires were on a Likert scale and the open-ended interviews were from six selected students and presented in themes. Findings show that Ha was not rejected, the most affected aspects of speaking skills were vocabulary, and the students got new beneficial experiences in learning. The experiences they gained built their self-confidence to have a better performance in speaking. To conclude, it is recommended to use the application to help students improve their speaking skills as the use of the application promotes entertainment and motivation, encouragement, creativity, and confidence to speak in English. Nevertheless, it should be paid attention that students’ readiness concerning the use of technology, device compatibility, and internet connection play a crucial role.


Telegram; Picture-cued storytelling; Speaking skills.

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