The Use of Simple Past Tense Verb and Adjectives on Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text

Lubban Anwari Alhamidi(1*), Arif Triyuono(2), Ahmad Ahmad(3)

(1) Unindra PGRI University Jakarta
(2) Unindra PGRI University Jakarta
(3) SMKPGRI 1 Plus Cibinong- Bogor
(*) Corresponding Author


The aims of the research are to know the Type and the Number of Error in The Use of Simple Past Tense Verb and adjectives Writing Recount Text. The total sample of this research followed by 60 students. The technique collecting data of the use of simple past tense verb and adjectives on the students’ ability in writing recount text was acquired from Content analysis and data analysis technique that used in this research. It was used to know the use of independent variable to dependent variable. The research finding are:the students in using simple past tense verb on writing Recount text are based on surface strategy taxonomy which are classified into omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.After counting the errors, the writer found 239 total of errors which the highest frequency of error is in Misformation errors which consist of 128 errors (53,56%), it is followed by Omission errors which consist of 70 errors (29,29%), Misordering errors which consists of 21 errors (8,78%),and the last as the lowest error is Addition errors which consists of 20 errors (8,37%), the types of errors made by the students in using Adjectives on writing Recount Text are based on surface strategy taxonomy which are classified Into: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. After counting the errors, the writer found that the total of the error are 25 errors which the highest frequency of error is in Misformation errors which consist of 17 errors (68,00%). It is followed by Omission errors which consist of 5 errors (20,00%), And the writer found 2 errors (8,00 %) in Addition error and also as Misordering the writer found 1 errors (4,00%).


Simple Past Tense Verb; Adjective; Recount Text.

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