The Interference of Javanese Banten Dialect Phonological in English for EFL Learners

Tatu Siti Rohbiah(1*), Khaerul Fajri(2), Muhhamad Riqqi Hamdi(3)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Serang, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Serang, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Serang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is to describe and analyze the phonological interference do Javanese Bantenese students in English. The type of method applied in this research is the Qualitative method using case study. This research focuses on the English Phonological interference on Bantenese university students learning English as a second language and the phonological interferences of 10 students' first language in producing English sounds. The results of the findings show that The changes that occur are also due to differences in the vowel and consonant systems in the two languages that are indeed far different, several examples of vowels do not exist in the Javanese Banten Dialect [æ], [?], [?:], [?:], [u:], [?], [?], [?:], [??], [aI], [eI], [?I], [a?], [o?], [I?], [??], [??]. Some consonants are not present in the Banten dialect language system, for example, [?], [ð], [t?], [d?], [?], and [?], these letters are usually interfered with and turn into alternative letters similar to the letters that have changed. Interference that corresponded to Crowley's theory of interference such as Lenition, fornition, Apheresis, Syncope, Apocope, Epenthesis, Paragogue, Fusion, and breaking interference.


Phonological; Interference; Javanese Bantenese; Dialect

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