The Use of Direct Method and Audio-Lingual Method in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability

Vivi Ayu Lestari(1*), Supadi Supadi(2), Ahmad Najib Mutawally(3), Rahma Juwita(4)

(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The quality of a person's oral communication skills is significantly influenced by their speaking ability. Observations of pupils revealed that some spoke English quickly and intelligently, while others spoke it more slowly. It is affected by the teaching strategy that was employed in the classroom. Hence, the researcher conducted research to identify an appropriate strategy for enhancing students' speaking abilities in an attempt to find a solution to this issue. Therefore, the researcher tried to find out the use of the direct method and the audio-lingual method in improving students’ speaking ability at SMK Ristek Karawang and SMK Perbankan Indonesia in Karawang City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study and analyzes the data with analytical phases. The researcher conducted the data with the steps: 1. interviewing the English teachers, 2. analyzing the data, 3. interpreting data, and 4. concluding the result. Based on the result of the study all of the respondents have the same opinion about the use of the direct method and the audio-lingual method which is suitable for improving students’ speaking ability.


Direct method; Audio-Lingual method; Speaking; Ability.

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