Investigating Critical Thinking Skills and Microlearning Integration in English Learning Material Web-Based of Eighth Graders

Rizka Patrika Rizal(1*), Ifan Iskandar(2), Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum(3)

(1) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(2) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(3) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Microlearning has been widely popular in English language learning. It has some potentials; critical thinking, lowering cognitive load, focusing on learning, and bridging the theory-practice gap in the 21st century learning. This research aims to investigate how critical thinking skills and microlearning-based model are integrated in the English learning material web-based of eighth graders. Qualitative content analysis was utilized as the method for this research. An English learning material web-based was analyzed by using critical thinking skills descriptors from and microlearning descriptors. The findings reveal that the English learning material web-based consists of 7 out of 11 descriptors of critical thinking and includes of 6 out of 9 microlearning descriptors. However, it is indicated that the English learning material web-based of eighth graders are not fully incorporated with the critical thinking skills and microlearning-based model.


Critical Thinking Skills; English Learning Material Web-Based; Microlearning

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