Implemented Question and Answer Technique To Improve Students' Speaking Ability

Rega Mellisa Putri(1*), Tatu Siti Rohbiah(2), Asari Asari(3)

(1) State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
(2) State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
(3) State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is conducted to investigate improving students’ speaking skill through question answer technique at the twelfth grade in SMK Pariwisata Gema Gawita Kota Tangerang. The research is conducted based on some problems: 1. How is the students’ speaking skill at eleventh grade SMK Pariwisata Gema Gawita? 2. How is the application of question answering technique in speaking class? 3. How is the improvement of students’ speaking skill by question answering technique? The writer collected data from 20 students that spared into one class, one class as a classroom action research. The writer used a classroom action research which had been conducted in SMK Pariwisata Gema Gawita at the eleventh grade and followed by 20 students and it was done in two cycles. Each cycle was done in three meetings. In this research the researcher used the instruments were three tests are pre cycle, cycle I test and cycle II test. Population of the research was the eleventh grade in SMK Pariwisata Gema Gawita Kota Tangerang, academic year 2022/2023. The sample of the research used class XI Travel Agent. The data analysis of this research used test. The result of this research shows that in the first cycle, the average of pre cycle score was 57 and cycle I 68.5 score and cycle II score was 78. It can be concluded that using question answer technique can improve students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMK Pariwisata Gema Gawita.


Speaking; Speaking Ability; Speaking Skill.

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