Using Student-Made Video Assignments in Teaching Speaking at CTUT

Nguyet Thi Minh Nguyen(1*)

(1) Can Tho University of Technology
(*) Corresponding Author


The Covid-19 pandemic impacted considerably on teaching and learning at Can Tho University of Technology (CTUT). For the school’s academic goals, applying technology for effective online courses were highly encouraged. This paper explored the effects of student-made video assignments on freshmen’s speaking performance. The study was designed as an experimental study conducted on 67 English-majored freshmen at CTUT. The ten-week treatment followed three stages in which participants obtained instructions and rubrics for the assignments, implemented the tasks under the instructors’ support, and delivered their performance for peer and teacher feedback. Data were gathered from pre- and post-tests on speaking performance and the open-ended questionnaire. The results demonstrated that after the implementation of video assignments, (1) the freshmen’s speaking performance was somewhat improved, (2) participants showed positive attitudes towards the benefits of the assignments whereas they revealed the challenges faced during the tasks, (3) there was no correlation between the learners’ speaking performance and their attitude towards the treatment. The findings offered relevant implications for applying student-made video tasks on teaching and learning speaking skill.


Video Assignments; Speaking Performance; Attitudes

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