Analysis of Mathematical Reasoning Ability of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers in Solving Algebra Problem Based on Reflective and Impulsive Cognitive Style

Ayu Faradillah(1*)

(1) University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR.HAMKA
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research was to describe preservice teachers’ mathematical reasoning ability in solving algebra problem based on reflective and impulsive cognitive style. Therefore, the total subject of this research is two pre-service teacher who has the cognitive style different from each other. It means that the subject of this research is one pre-service teacher who has reflective cognitive style and one pre-service teacher who has an impulsive cognitive style. In addition, the category of research method used is explorative research with the qualitative approach where researchers tried to describe the mathematical reasoning ability of pre-service teachers in solving the mathematical problem according to cognitive style. As for the components of mathematical reasoning ability in this research are analysis, generalization, synthesis, justifying and non-routine problem-solving. According to the components, there was one subject who could analyze the given problem while the others subjects could not. Moreover, all of the subjects have a difficulty in another component.


Mathematical reasoning ability, algebra problem, cognitive style

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