Bibliometric and Network Analysis: Case Based Learning Model Based on Statistica Preneurship to Strengthen Data Analysis Ability and Resilience of Mathematics Students

Bunga Mardhotillah(1*), Kamid Kamid(2), Nizlel Huda(3), Zurweni Zurweni(4)

(1) Universitas Jambi
(2) Universitas Jambi
(3) Universitas Jambi
(4) Universitas Jambi
(*) Corresponding Author


Educators present complex cases in the form of realistic problem scenarios that are relevant to the topic studied in case-based learning. Case-based learning provides an opportunity to analyze content by first introducing core knowledge domains and encouraging students to search for other knowledge domains that may be relevant to the problem given in the case. The learning theory underlying this research is constructivist learning theory. Learning Model Development can be interpreted as the development of new learning models or modification of existing learning models. The  development of new learning models aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. Statisticspreneurship as one of the integration factors in this research, is used with the consideration that statistics is an important and useful science in various fields, such as economics, social, education, health, technology or the environment. Statistics can help in making rational and data-based decisions. Statistics can also help in developing more advanced and innovative science and technology. Evaluation of entrepreneurship education can be carried out using various methods and indicators, such as knowledge or skills tests, attitude or behavior surveys, product or service portfolios, or case studies of success or failure. The evaluation results can be used to develop entrepreneurship education in a sustainable manner. Another integration factor in this research is student resilience. A key aspect of student resilience is the perception of academic stress and coping strategies. This study also found that problem-focused coping, emotion focused coping, and social support were positively related to academic resilience, while problem-solving coping in the form of avoidance was negatively related to academic resilience.


case based learning, student resilience, data analysis ability, student creativity

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