Pengaruh Adversity Quotient (AQ) dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika

Nurhayati Nurhayati(1*), Noram Fajrianti(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


The study objective was to determine the effect of adversity quotient and
achievement motivation of students to learn mathematics achievement. The method used in this study is a survey method. Analysis using multiple regression and correlation techniques. Sample size of 120 students obtained by random sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire to measure the adversity quotient and achievement motivation, while performance is taken from the document teacher learning. Results of the hypothesis test, namely (1) a significant difference between adversity quotient and achievement motivation on mathematics achievement obtained (2) there is a significant
relationship between adversity quotient on mathematics achievement and (3) there is a significant relationship between achievement motivation on achievement learn math


adversity quotient (AQ), achievement motivation, mathematics achievement

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