Analisis Cause Effect Mengenai Dampak Dari Implementasi Bandung Smart City

nilma nilma(1*)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The concept of smart city is a way of connecting physical, social and economic infrastructure using ICT, which integrates all aspects to make cities more efficient and livable. Many obstacles or constraints when the concept of Smart cityhas been running in the city of Bandung, related to mapping the problems of the indicators or categories of urban structuring. This study aims to see the cause of effect on the city of Bandung which has implemented the concept of Smart city in each part of Bandung, using the method of cause effect or commonly called fishbone diagram. The result of the research shows that Man or HR factor, Method or Process, Machine or Technology, and Infrastructure play a role in mapping the problems of Bandung Smart city implementation. With the discovery of problems from aspects of human resources, Methods, Technology and Infrastructure make Bandung Smart city become one of the smart city model that implements communication and information technology in the country.

Keywords: Smart city, Smart city Bandung, Fishbone Diagram

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