Analisis Model Matematika dan Simulasi Pada Penyebaran Hepatitis Non HepA-E Akut di Indonesia

Rifki Ristiawan(1*), Farrell Wahyudi(2), Noni Selvia(3)

(1) Informatika UNINDRA
(*) Corresponding Author


Acute Non-HepA-E Hepatitis is a disease that causes symptoms of acute hepatitis without a clear cause. To see the spread of this disease, this study developed the SIR epidemic model into SEIR by adding a population of exposed or latent individuals. This model divides the population into four classes; class of susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, infected individuals and recovered individuals. From the model, the disease-free equilibrium point () and endemic equilibrium point () and the basic reproduction number () are obtained. The results of the analysis concluded that the disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable when . The simulation results showed that when  the disease will disappear and when  the disease will become an epidemic. The simulation results showed that the parameter () is the most influential parameter on the value of (). Then it was concluded that to suppress the spread of Acute Non-HepA-E Hepatitis, the effort that could be done is to limit contact between susceptible individuals and exposed and infected individuals.


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