Perancangan Sistem Informasi Hino Service on Site (Studi Kasus : Dealer Hino, PT. Persada Lampung Raya)

Renita Dwi Astuti(1), Firmansyah Firmansyah(2), muhammad said hasibuan(3*)

(3) Institut informatika dan bisnis darmajaya
(*) Corresponding Author


Service on site is one of the after-sales services for Hino Truck vehicles. The Service on Site contract program provides customer vehicle service services at the customer's location or site by placing a mechanic at the customer's location. In its implementation, several obstacles were encountered, such as the vehicle service history was not recorded, there were no service reports so the customer did not know the vehicle's performance. So this research develops the design of the Hino Service on Site Information System using observational research methods, literature review, and documentation. To build the system, Use Case diagrams were designed and then measured using Use Case Points (UCP) to assist management in expanding the Servicee on Site Information System. UCP will assist management when making decisions regarding system development in terms of time, human resources and finances. Software measurement using UCP in the Service on Site Information System at Hino Dealers PT. Persada Lampung Raya has a Use Case Point (UCP) score of 38.448 and is categorized as a small software size project, which is smaller than 99. With the proposed design of this system, it can simplify and speed up the on site service administration process and can provide information in the form of vehicle performance reports to customers so that they can improve service on site program

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