Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Rumah Terintegrasi Telegram Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATMega328

Habib Nurfaizal(1*)

(1) Universitas Pamulang
(*) Corresponding Author


Crime can happen anywhere and anytime. The security system is important. Much will be done to make conditions secure, one of them is home security. Home is a place to stay that must be guarded. Everyone will anxious if leaving home when empty. Usually home security uses CCTV cameras. Many theft cases show that using a CCTV camera is less effective. It is not enough to use a camera to monitor the state of the house, then we need a system that can give real-time notifications to home-owners via Telegram. Telegram is a cloud-based and free instant messaging service. Telegram also provides a bot system. When creating a new bot on a telegram, can monitor the state of the house by receiving telegram messages through sensors that have been identified. This system is made using ATMega 328 Arduino board as a microcontroller and NodeMcu ESP8266 as a wifi that can give notifications if there is movement, fire, and gas leakage in the house.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/faktorexacta.v16i1.15902


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