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Bekasi as one of hinterland cities has been growing very fastly. Traffic jam
happens everywhere at the traffic hours, high polution and a very sunny day that has become
an image for Bekasi, where used to recognize as ‘kota Perjuangan’ Green areas no longer
exists and very hard to find in Bekasi. Horizontal development of Bekasi is not alowed any
more. The increasing of population, quality of living society, and the quality of the centre
Bekasi environment have become a vertically demand. Superblock model of development has
been considered as one of development concept that suitable to employ in Bekasi. It is hoped
that, the development of superblock can accommodate the need of settlement, retail, office,
education, hotel, healthy, recreation, sport, etc, around Bekasi. Therefore, the high of mobility
and growth in Jakarta can be decentralized in Bekasi. Superblock has become a part of
cosmopolitan life style, which busy and civilized Superblock concept suitable or Bekasi
where still growing and developing. Traffic jam and pollution can be decreased because many
people will only take a walk to reach many strategic places. If they have to travel long
distance, they can use public transportations which pass through superblock area. This
research is done to feasibility of superblock concept implementation in central of developing
Bekasi. This research used qualitative deskriptive analysis method, the result of this research
can be proposal for Bekasi city government and stakeholders, for the development of Bekasi
in the future.
Keyword: Bekasi, planning, area, superblock, development.
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