English Borrowing Words in Indonesian Informatics Engineering Articles: Types and Meanings
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
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The development of science and technology affects the language field. The main influence of this development is the appearance of a lot of new vocabulary related to science and technology matter. It can’t be ignored that English is widely spread and used in describing things for example in social media, electronic stuff, e-commerce, aviation, the science and technology field, etc. As the result, some English vocabulary has been borrowed to explain things that there is no suitable or provided word in Indonesian. Borrowing words can cause the problems such as spelling and pronouncing whether in Indonesian or English. Some English words have been taken to the Indonesian dictionary by following EYD. However, people may tend to know the English version of borrowing words rather than the Indonesian (EYD) especially the IT people. But, they might don’t know that there is a possibility of a shift in the meaning. To figure out this problem, this research aims to know (1) the English borrowing words and their meanings in some Indonesian informatics engineering articles (2) the types of English borrowing words used in some Indonesian informatics engineering articles. The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method in doing the research. From the result, it’s found that 20% and 35% loanword from 1st and 2nd journal, loan blend 80% and 65%. Then, its 0% for loan shift.
Keywords: Borrowing Words, English Word, Informatics Engineering Articles
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/deiksis.v13i2.7629
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