Nurbaity Nurbaity(1*), Saring Saring(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia known as Nusantara by East-Indies had greatest natural sources. The search of spices in
East-Indies by the westners of Europe had been done since the emerge of compass and shipping technology. The
potential of Nusantara’s natural resources commodities sold out in world’s market forced west countries to
compete and gained much more benefits. Those benefits too-and yet become the motivation of the west to occupy
the land. The more greater power to the west then later be implemented through several rules and obligations
including in economic called cultuurstelsel. The cultuurstelsel then later be changed within the involvement of
private sector in it and given their investment. One of the investment in occupied land is the acquisition of tea
plantation in Cipanas Bogor. This acquisition of tea plantation become private sector had marked his own
periode in the history of plantation in Indonesia.

Keywords: Cultuurstelsel, export commodities, private plantation, Bogor

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/sosioekons.v7i3.698


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