Analisis Perilaku Generasi Z dalam Menentukan Pilihan Politik
(1) Universitas Sriwijaya
(2) Universitas Kader Bangsa
(3) Universitas Sriwijaya
(*) Corresponding Author
It is increasingly interesting to observe the behavior of Generation Z in determining their political choices. This is because the role of generation Z is very dominant in political life in Indonesia, which can have quite a big influence. This is the basis for why we conducted this research. Generation Z, which refers to individuals born around the mid-1990s to early 2010s, has great potential to shape the direction of politics and society in the future. In this research we use descriptive qualitative research, namely describing and analyzing phenomena, events, beliefs, attitudes and social activities both individually and in groups. We carried out data analysis using the Literature Review Study method by conducting a systematic literature review from reputable journals, books and compatible mass media reports. We identified, evaluated, and interpreted findings from primary studies. As a result, we see that political strategy and communication must be optimized to understand and respond to the motivations and values of generation Z. Factors such as triggers for political participation, personal characteristics, and the social environment need to be considered in designing effective political strategies. Internal transformation of political parties, including changes in ideology, is the key to attracting the interest and support of generation Z. Generation Z has great potential in shaping the direction of democracy in Indonesia. Their technological capabilities, interest in social and environmental issues, and active participation in online political activities can be positive drivers.
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