Aksi Solidaritas Sosial (Studi Pada Komunitas Driver Ojek Online dan Non Komunitas di kota Palangka Raya)
(1) Pascasarjana IAIN Palangka Raya
(2) IAIN Palangka Raya
(*) Corresponding Author
Social solidarity among online motorcycle taxi drivers is the main goal in an online motorcycle taxi driver community. This can be seen in a community of online motorcycle taxi drivers when conducting associations. However, the association has faded along with the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia. This makes the community association of online ojek drivers unscheduled and unable to conduct associations between online motorcycle taxi drivers due to the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM). With conditions like this, the association of online motorcycle taxi drivers in a community in palangkaraya city is hampered. This study aims to find out how solidarity occurs between online motorcycle taxi drivers in Palangka Raya city after the Covid-19 pandemic when viewed from the point of view of social solidarity theory. This research uses qualitative-descriptive methods to describe each behavior of the activities of the object under study, so as to produce accurate information, also carried out with a sociological approach. The theory used is social solidarity as formulated by Emile Durkheim. All forms of data collection and processing are carried out by means of surveys as well as the author's participation in the activities of the online motorcycle taxi driver community in the city of Palangkaraya. The results of this study show that online motorcycle taxi drivers who in fact vary in ethnicity, religion and culture play an important role as actors in developing an attitude of social solidarity as a result of disaster fundraising or disaster sesame drivers, gatherings every two weeks on certain days, regular social gatherings that are carried out once a week on Saturdays.
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